Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fed's QE to rise to US$ 1 trillion a month

The US government averted a potential default by raising the debt ceiling. This means that the quantitative easing (QE) program will continue at least for the time being. 

But the US Fed had stated (earlier) that it will roll back the QE over a period of time. So what will actually happen? Marc Faber is of the opinion that the QE program will never really end. He has stated that the Fed will eventually raise the program to US$ 1 trillion a month! 

It is currently at US$ 85 bn a month. He feels that this is necessary as the US has basically put itself in a box like situation. The economy cannot grow without the QE funds. Unfortunately the economy has not really displayed any spectacular growth with the QE funds either. 

The reason for this is that the funds have helped only a selected section of people and not the economy at large. We have stated several times that the US is in a catch 22 like situation. The cheap funds have become akin to a drug. And the withdrawal from it would be even more painful than the addiction itself. 

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