This decade-old blog is formed for sharing useful info from financial world free of cost .All posts here are for reference purpose only. It is advisable to study and learn the investment process and decision making criteria yourself .Users are advised to rely on their own judgement or investment advisor when any making investment decisions. Any investment decision should be taken with your own analysis and risk. The blog is aimed to promote the awareness of stock markets among retail investors.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
American Vanguard Corp.: Pest-free investing
Successful investors accept the world as it is, and don't try to contort situations to fit an idyll of what it should be. Consider farming: for those of us outside the realm, the economics can be as foul-smelling as an industrial cattle feedlot; what, with the subsidies, tariffs and usage quotas (think ethanol).
So what's an investor to do? Eschew the sector or deal with the world the way it is and inhale deeply. We prefer the latter action. From the inside, subsidies, tariffs and usage quotas can be as fragrant as French perfume, and we find the fragrance emanating from Newport, Calif.-based American Vanguard Corp. (NYSE:AVD) to be particularly intoxicating, though on first whiff you might think otherwise.
AMVAC is a small-cap purveyor of insecticides, fungicides, molluscicides, growth regulators and soil fumigants. Although it doesn't benefit directly from government handouts, its customers do.
AMVAC's niche of protecting soil-grown edibles from lower-form freeloaders is a fragmented, diverse market, requiring significant management input and ongoing product research. What's more, it's dominated by mature lower-margin commodity chemicals.
So what's the good news? Large chemical companies tend to be eager sellers of mature lower-margin commodity chemicals, and eager sellers create opportunity. AMVAC's strategy is to acquire these segments from multi-billion dollar conglomerates. In March, AMVAC acquired most of Bayer's cropscience assets related to its facility in Marsing, Idaho.
Disclaimer : All information given here is for information purpose only. Users are advised to rely on their own judgement or investment advisor when making investment decisions. This blog is not liable and take no responsibility for any loss or profit arising out of such decisions being made by anyone acting on such advice.
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This publication is not, and should not be construed to be, an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. This publication, its publisher, and its editor do not purport to provide a complete analysis of any company's financial position. The publisher and editor are not, and do not purport to be, registered investment advisors. Any investment should be made only after consulting a professional investment advisor and only after reviewing the financial statements and other pertinent corporate information about the company. Investing in securities is speculative and carries a high degree of risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This publication is based exclusively on information generally available to the public and does not contain any material, non-public information. The information on which it is based is believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, the publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. This publication contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding expected continual growth of the featured company and/or industry. The publisher notes that statements contained herein that look forward in time, which include everything other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect the company's actual results of operations. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include the size and growth of the market for the company's products and services, the company's ability to fund its capital requirements in the near term and long term, pricing pressures, etc.
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